Calling all Tridion Developers

With SDL Tridion (R)5.3 and the introduction of Modular/Compound Templates, the way of doing templates as radically changed, no longer we had to use an  old and obsolete technology such as VBScript. We could finally use .NET and Visual Studio to write template code as well as introduce “new” technologies such as XSLT with the help of Mediators (see XSLT Mediator).

One of the biggest advantages of this change is the ability to reuse existing code in a structured and clear way. Logic can be placed in dedicated classes, OO concepts can be leveraged for inheritance, encapsulation and more.

This led to the TemplateBase class which I and many others have been using for several years now. Around it I have also grouped additional classes to support reuse of common functionality that can be carried from one implementation project to another. This is known as the Templating Base Project.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Templatebase class and the Templating Base Project I suggest you hurry and get yourself over to and download the code now – Template Base Project

Templating Base Project on SDL Tridion World Continue reading “Calling all Tridion Developers”

Creating a Gravatar client with jQuery and WCF


A couple of weeks ago I announced the release of the first .NET implementation of the Gravatar API.

Gravatar.NET is available for download on Codeplex.

What I’d like to show in this article is how to make use of the library using jQuery and WCF to create your own Gravatar client ( style).

This article will demonstrate how to show a user their Gravatar account images, allow the user to activate a different image or delete it.

I will build upon many of the concepts I described in an earlier article I wrote called: “Creating a Webservice Proxy with jQuery”. So if you like, check it out first as I won’t go into the basics in this article.

Continue reading “Creating a Gravatar client with jQuery and WCF”

LINQ to Tridion



Its Friday evening, a good time to share a little something I’ve been working on.

.NET 3.0 brought with it a fantastic new language (VB, C#) extension called LINQ which stands for Language-Integrated Query.

Microsoft describes it as “a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that encompass language-integrated query, set, and transform operations. It extends C# and Visual Basic with native language syntax for queries and provides class libraries to take advantage of these capabilities.”

In short it gives the developer a more general syntax for querying sets or collections of data.

The beautiful thing about LINQ is that it can be used over any collection whether its XML, Database or even objects so long as they support the IEnumerable<T> interface.

For more information see the resources section of this article or simply google/bing it.

Continue reading “LINQ to Tridion”